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Featured Speaker: Mayuresh Visswanathan

We were joined by Mayuresh Visswanathan, a skilled woodworker from Carlsbad, California, now based in San Francisco. Mayuresh shared his recent projects with us, showcasing a range of pieces, including chairs, tables, and cabinets, all characterized by hand-cut joinery and sculptural details. He reflected on his experiences as a self-taught woodworker, discussing his progression over the past year and the techniques he continues to refine.
Show & Tell
Laura Rhodes

The duck is about 4 inches high, 7 inches long, and 4 inches wide. The body, legs, and front wheel are cherry. The back wheels are curly maple. It is finished with Howard Butcher Block Conditioner (mineral oil and beeswax).
This is the third David Wakefield-designed Animated Animal toy I made using a block of 8/4 cherry from Frank Ramsay’s shop.
Bruce Powell

Claude Godcharles

This table is a low desk for the client to sit in front of, cross-legged on a cushion, meditation style. The top is cherry, 24″ x 60″ in size, height is 18″.

The slanted slab legs are reinforced with brackets to take the side stress and give more stability. Domino joinery was used, with Titebond II glue for the tenons and hide glue for the flat surfaces. Hide glue (Old Brown Glue) is much easier to clean up and dissolves with water at the glue line.
The finish is: after sanding to 400, wash coat with shellac and burnt umber glaze to even out the tone, another wash coat, then Arm-R-Seal wipe-on poly for four coats on the top, wiping off any excess at every coat. Then, after curing a few days, a coat of Renaissance wax was applied on the top.
Stan Booker

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